Behind the Scenes Look at the New Website


Justin Campbell



Web Developer

Your behind the scenes look at how we created the new

The new was created for you with three main goals in mind

  1. Allow new members to get a taste of our gatherings
  2. Give you immediate access to our vision and mission statement
  3. Provide you with opportunities for food sharing and community connection

    I’m Justin, a web developer and gelato aficionado, and I’ll show you how we did this.

Experience a Gathering Virtually
If you’ve ever looked for a new church to attend, you probably researched it online before getting involved. 64% of church goers say the church website is important in facilitating participation in church. (source) Since you are likely to go check us out online before visiting, we wanted to give you a taste of our gatherings on the website. This allows you to get a sense of what evening with us is like, so you can see if it is a good fit. You can use our new home page to virtually experience a service with us. Scroll through our gathering section to see how our dinners + sermonettes unfold. Got a question for our pastors? You can use the connection section on home page quickly connect with a pastor.

Women led, and inclusive
You might have noticed that our previous website did not immediately tell you our unique position as a women led church. When we redesigned the site, this fact was emphasized. The new home page allows you to immediately see that we are a women led church that centers food as a means of connecting and experiencing faith. You are welcome to join us. Sunday Supper Church is fully inclusive of women, BIPOC and the LGBTQ+ community, and our hope was that the new website would make this clear, leaving no confusion as to what we believe and how we lead.

Connecting You to the Community
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could easily communicate, volunteer, and share or receive food within your community? But how do you schedule time to volunteer, communicate with us, find out information about serving others in your community, and share your availability without meeting in-person? You are in luck, we have created sections on our website to accomplish these tasks.

As you can see the new SundaySupperChurch website was built for you. It allows you to quickly understand our vision, gives newcomers a taste of gatherings and provides you with opportunities to partake in food sharing and community connection.

If you are interested in developing a website for your business you can email Justin at

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